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The Generative AI Race

Author: Bevertec | | Categories: IT

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Despite the impending economic uncertainty, a survey conducted by Gartner Inc - in the second half of 2022 - found that 72% of tech leaders in Canada, the U.S., and Western Europe have plans to grow their revenue in 2023

Generative AI Race

In recent days we've seen recent developments with generative AI.

Companies, after the unprecedented success of ChatGPT have entered this market to attract consumers to their services. Canva, Notion, Microsoft, Adobe, Unity, Google have hopped on board to 

Canva, a design platform, has launched various new generative AI tools. Examples of such tools includes, magic design and magic PowerPoint and magic write. Each of these tools allow the user to enter a prompt or insert photo and content will be generated for them.

Microsoft has created Microsoft Designer which is said to be the combination of ChatGPT and Canva. Moreover,  Adobe has recently announced their generative AI tools through Adobe Firefly, which will be a part of a series of the new Adobe Sensei. Adobe Sensei provides generative AI Services across Adobe's clouds.

Google has partnered with NVIDIA and will integrate NVIDIA Inference Platform of Generative AI into Google Cloud Vertex AI.Additionally, Notion has implemented AI within its services, this allows users to summarize notes, write content for any given topics, identify action items form a meeting and edit text.

Aside from organizations entering the race, a new version of ChatGPT, GPT-4, was released on March 14. This version of AI, accepts image and text inputs and produces text outputs.

Increase in IT Roles

With continued interest in the market, we at Bevertec, have seen an increase in IT roles. From Machine Learning Engineers to Program Analysts, head over to our job portal to find the perfect IT role for you.

